The award for Outstanding Achievement in Design honors students who demonstrate artistry, skill, and a commitment to excellence in costume, scenic, sound, or lighting design. Winners will be determined through an application process. Applications will be reviewed by a panel of local theater professionals who will select winners to be honored at the Nebraska Theater Academy Showcase.
Students should fill out the online form below. Please, be prepared to provide the following support materials with your application: essay, résumé, and work samples.
Work samples may include up to five sketches, renderings, models, light plots, magic sheets, ground plans, production photos, photos of finished pieces, drafting, research images, sound effects, music selections, sample materials or fabric/color swatches.
Acceptable file types include PDF documents only. Essays and résumés should be uploaded as individual PDF files. PDF file names should include your first and last name, school name, and a descriptive title (e.g. Kathleen-Lawler_Dowling-High-School_Resume.pdf). To submit work samples electronically, upload a PDF file that features up to fiive web links (e.g. Dropbox link to production photos). For each web link, please include access information with the URL (i.e. required plug-ins, passwords, navigation paths, etc).
Contact Senior Manager of Education Taylor Wyatt at or 402.661.8559.
"*" indicates required fields