A message for Broadway subscribers: The recent communication to update your credit card information is a legitimate request from O-pa due to a change in our payment processing system. More information.

Omaha Performing Arts
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planned giving

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Your legacy provides for our future and the future of the arts in our community.

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Join the Legacy Circle

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By becoming a member of the Legacy Circle, you join the company of many forward-thinking individuals whose generosity will impact the community for generations to come. Planned giving plays a pivotal role in the future of Omaha Performing Arts.

When you include us in your will or estate plans you ensure:

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  • the continued development of exceptional Education and Community Engagement programs
  • our ability to attract the world's most celebrated performing artists
  • the preservation of our beautiful venues: the Holland Performing Arts Center, Orpheum Theater, Steelhouse Omaha, and Tenaska Center for Arts Engagement
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"Omaha Performing Arts has enabled me to follow my ambitions of becoming a professional musician and artist! Their support is one reason why I am pursuing my dreams today."

— Marcel Daly

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By joining the Legacy Circle, your gift will enable a young child to experience their first show, an aspiring actor to learn from a Broadway professional, or help a school bring theater and music into the classroom.

Questions? Call 402.661.8410 or email Development@o-pa.org.

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A brief guide to planned giving options

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Your gift: Bequest
Your goal: Defer a gift until after your lifetime.

How to make a gift:
Name us in your will or living trust. (Designate a specific amount, percentage or share of the residual).

Your benefits:
Control of your assets for your lifetime. Donate exempt from federal estate tax.

Your gift: Outright gift of cash
Your goal: Make a quick and easy gift.

How to make a gift:
Simply write a check or make a cash donation now.

Your benefits:
Immediate income tax deduction.
Removes property from future taxable estate.

Your gift: Outright gift of securities
Your goal: Eliminate tax on long-term capital gains.

How to make a gift:
Contribute long-term appreciated stock or other securities.

Your benefits:
Immediate charitable deduction.
Elimination of long-term capital gains tax.

Your gift: Gift of retirement assets
Your goal: Avoid the twofold taxation on IRAs or other retirement plans.

How to make a gift:
Name us as the beneficiary of your retirement account after your lifetime.

Your benefits:
Allows you to make the gift from the most highly taxed assets, leaving better assets for your family.

Your gift: Gift of life insurance
Your goal: Make a large gift with little cost to yourself.

How to make a gift:
Change ownership on a life insurance policy you no longer need.

Your benefits:
Current income tax deduction.
Possible future deductions through gifts to pay future premiums.

Your gift: Retained life estate
Your goal: Give your personal residence or farm now, but continue to live there.

How to make a gift:
Designate ownership of your home to us, but retain occupancy for life.

Your benefits:
Valuable charitable income tax deduction.
Lifetime use of residence.

Your gift: Gift of real estate
Your goal: Make a gift of property no longer needed and generate an income tax deduction.

How to make a gift:
Donate the property to us.

Your benefits:
Immediate income tax deduction.
Reduction or elimination of long-term capital gains tax.

Your gift: Charitable remainder trust
Your goal: Secure a fixed and often increased income or create a hedge against inflation.

How to make a gift:
Create a trust that pays income annually; the principal is retained for a charitable organization.

Your benefits:
Variable of fixed income for life.
Immediate income tax charitable deduction.

Your gift: Charitable lead trust
Your goal: Reduce gift and estate taxes on assets you pass to children or grandchildren.

How to make a gift:
Create a charitable trust that pays fixed or variable income to us for a specific term of years; the principal is retained for heirs.

Your benefits:
Reduce your taxable estate.
Property kept by your family, often with reduced gift taxes.

Your gift: Charitable gift annuity
Your goal: Supplement income with steady payments that are partially income tax-free.

How to make a gift:
Establish a charitable gift annuity contract with us that pays a set amount for life.

Your benefits:
Current and future savings on income taxes.
Fixed payments for life for one or two individuals.

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Commit to the Legacy Circle

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If you’re ready to add Omaha Performing Arts to your estate plans, complete the Planned Giving Letter of Intent so we can thank and recognize you for your contribution.

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Our tremendous gratitude to our legacy circle members

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Michael E. Bailey and Cynthia J. Bailey Trust
H. Robert* and Marilyn P. Cassling*
Marianne K. Festersen*
Dr. Amy Haddad M. Haddad and Steven S. Martin
Darrald B. Harsh*
Richard D. Holland*
Nancy R. Johnson
Todd L. and Susan Johnson

Fran and Rich Juro
Helen* and Richard Kelley
Carl G. Mammel
Chad and Jennifer Rutar
Martha and David Slosburg
Joan H. Squires and Daniel Hamann
Dr. James and Carole Tremain
Anne Thorne Weaver*


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Why We Give to OPA: Jennifer and Chad Rutar


give a gift for generations to come

Contact us to learn more about how you can support the future of the arts.

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Holland Performing Arts Center

1200 Douglas Street,
Omaha, NE 68102

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Orpheum Theater

409 South 16th Street,
Omaha, NE 68102

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Steelhouse Omaha

1100 Dodge Street,
Omaha, NE 68102

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Tenaska Center for Arts Engagement

12th & Douglas Street,
Omaha, NE 68102

Ticket Omaha

1200 Douglas Street,
Omaha, NE 68102


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Copyright © 2025 Omaha Performing Arts, a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization.