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National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month

Posted On Jan 25, 2021, 17:07 PM by Victoria McGiffin

O-pa’s Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility (IDEA) committee plays a critical role in bringing awareness to topics that will help educate the community, drive action and change.  

This month, we ask you to join us in taking the time to acknowledge those experiencing enslavement and those who have escaped.  

What is modern slavery?  

You can help victims of human trafficking by knowing the signs: 

  • No passport or a person mentions that someone else is holding their passport 

  • A person is unable to travel freely e.g. picked up and dropped off at work location by another person 

  • A child with unexplained money and presents 

  • A child seen entering or leaving vehicles with unknown adults 

  • Windows of a property are permanently covered from the inside  

  • Visits to a property at unusual times 

  • A person who has no bedroom or proper sleeping place  

  • A person has money for their services collected by another person 

  • A person who is regularly moved to avoid detection  

  • A person is fearful of police and authorities 

  • A person is fearful for their lives or family members’ lives  

  • Signs of physical and psychological trauma 

  • A person who seems to be in debt to someone 

  • The belief they are being controlled by use of witchcraft 

Although it is difficult to imagine these circumstances, for millions of people around the world, this is reality. We must educate ourselves and others to prevent slavery and human trafficking. Know the signs and report concerns to Hope for Justice at (615) 356-0946 or

For a full list of signs and indicators, visit: