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Omaha Performing Arts
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production information form

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Participating Nebraska Theater Academy schools can receive adjudication from up to three local performing arts professionals. Submit this form at least four weeks before the show opens. The information will be shared with the panel of adjudicators attending your show.

Questions? Contact Senior Manager of Education, Taylor Wyatt, at 402.661.8559 or twyatt@o-pa.org or Secondary School Programs Coordinator, Madeline Reddel, at 402.661.8421 or mreddel@o-pa.org with questions.

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"*" indicates required fields

I confirm that I am already registered to participate in the Nebraska Theater Academy.**
Not registered yet? Start here.

Show Information

This section is required. Please re-confirm or provide the following information.
Our show is a*
School/Facility Address*
Will the production be double cast?*
Please note: If a school decides to double cast one or more roles, the school must select one set of cast members to be adjudicated and provide the appropriate show dates and cast information in this form. It will not be possible to adjudicate multiple students for the same role.
(e.g. lighting, costumes, etc.)
(e.g. lighting, costumes, etc.)
(e.g. directors, choreographers, etc.)
(e.g. directors, choreographers, etc.)
(e.g. ushers, box office, etc.)
(e.g. ushers, box office, etc.)
Would you like your show to be considered for an Outstanding Musical Theater Production Award?*
If yes, and your school receives the award, you will be invited to perform an up to five-minute number from your show at the NTA Showcase. More information can be found here.

Please also send your top 3 song choices along with the piano/vocal score to NTA@O-pa.org NO LATER than 2 weeks following your production.

Lead Roles

This section is required. Below, identify which characters/students will be adjudicated in lead roles. For high school musicals, lead roles are predetermined according to the Jimmy Awards - please reference the National Qualifying Lead Roles spreadsheet to complete this section of the form: 24/25 List of Qualifying Roles (note: the number of leads varies from show to show). If your show is not on the spreadsheet, please identify characters/students in lead roles on your own (up to six (6) performers). For more information on the Jimmy Awards, please visit their website at https://www.jimmyawards.com/

Supporting Roles

This section is required Please identify which characters/students will be adjudicated in supporting roles. Please select two (2) performers in a supporting role to be adjudicated.

If your performer(s) are part of a larger ensemble, please include additional character identifiers (i.e. distinguishing costume/make-up/prop etc.) to assist your adjudicator panel in providing individual feedback.


This section is optional. Please list the names of the students in ensemble/chorus roles with character names (and identifiers, if applicable) or upload a cast list.
Max. file size: 300 MB.


This section is optional. Please describe anything else you feel adjudicators and/or Omaha Performing Arts staff should know before evaluating or attending your production. (e.g. "The set design for our show was student lead with staff support." "More than half of our cast is performing on stage for the first time." "This is our first year in this performance space." etc.)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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1200 Douglas Street,
Omaha, NE 68102

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Orpheum Theater

409 South 16th Street,
Omaha, NE 68102

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Steelhouse Omaha

1100 Dodge Street,
Omaha, NE 68102

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Tenaska Center for Arts Engagement

12th & Douglas Street,
Omaha, NE 68102

Ticket Omaha

1200 Douglas Street,
Omaha, NE 68102


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